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Published on 19 August 2016



Representation of a head with different interconnections within the brain

28 June 2024

Save the date: round table for the Drones Task Force

In light of the rising number of security risks and ongoing conflicts, the DDPS Secretary General, the Chief of the Armed Forces, the Chief of Armament and the Director of the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP) have decided to set up a Drones Task Force.

A man gives a lecture to several people.

28 June 2024

Swiss Team uses SCION to connect to Estonia during Cyber-Defense Exercise

During the Locked Shields 2024 cyber defense exercise in April this year, the Swiss team used the SCION network architecture to connect to the exercise infrastructure in Estonia.

A man stands before an audience with a screen positioned next to him.

12 June 2024

Annual reporting on research programme 4 «Impact, Protection and Safety»

On 4 June 2024, the latest annual reporting event was held at armasuisse S+T: Research programme director, Dr Ronny Lorenzo, presented research programme 4 «Impact, Protection and Safety» to interested parties from the DDPS.

Man with microphone in left hand presenting with Swiss flag behind.

11 June 2024

Successful Innovation Day of the Cyber-Defence Campus

The CYD Campus of armasuisse S+T organized an Innovation Day for stakeholders from the Confederation and cantons on 15 May 2024.

Appearance of the innovation spaces DDPS website on various end devices

10 June 2024

DDPS innovation environments are online!

The DDPS innovation environments website is now online. You will find a lot of information about the DDPS innovation environments.

Cover of a magazine called Inside S+T.

7 June 2024

The new Inside S+T on the topic of research

The new Inside S+T from armasuisse Science and Technology is online. This issue is dedicated to the main topic of «Research».


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